Early English Old Maps: Anglo-Saxon Map of London and surrounding areas by Matt Brown of The Londonist showing the London area in Anglo Saxon times (roughly speaking, 500-1066AD). Showing the many villages, hamlets and farmsteads whose names are still part of modern London today. The map also shows the major ROMAN roads in London.

Click the image thumbnail(s) below for higher resolution maps of: Anglo-Saxon Map of London and surrounding areas by Matt Brown of the The Londonist showing the London area in Anglo Saxon times (roughly speaking, 500-1066AD). Showing the many villages, hamlets and farmsteads whose names are still part of modern London today. The map also shows the major ROMAN roads in London.

Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: London showing Padintune (Paddington), Tottenheale (Tottenham Hale), Fleta (River Fleet), Lundenburgh (City of London), Teoburnan (River Tyburn), Londenwic (London), Suthriganaweorc (Southwark), Scadeuuele (Shadwell), Vermudesi (Bermondsey), Cnihtebrigge (Knightsbridge), Cheninton (), Torneia (), Lambehitha (Lambeth), Celchyth (Chelsea), Cena (), Wealawyrth (Walworth), Batricesege (Battersea), Camberwelle (Camberwell), Pecheham (Peckham)

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Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: London showing Straetforda (Stratford), Hamme (Ham), Lygan (River), Berecingum (Barking), Beuentreu (Becontree), Daccanhamm (Dagenham), Regnaham (Rainham), Grenewick (Greenwich), Cerletone (Carlton), Plumstede (Plumstead), Uuluuich (Woolwich), Earhyth (Erith)

Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: London showing Hrocs Seath (), Gumeninga Hergae (Harrow on the Hill), Coenatun (), Hendun (Hendon), Braegente (Brent), Neasdun (Neasdon), Wemba Lea (Wembley), Willesdune (Willesden), Ealhberhington (), Herulvestune (Harlesden)

Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: London showing Wunnemanndunne (Wimbledon), Baelenham (Balham), Totinge (Tooting), Mertone (Merton), Stretham (Streatham), Mordune (Morden), Michelham (Mitchham), Panceat (Penge)

Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: Stanmere (Stanmore), Aegceswer (Edgware), Middleseaxan (Middlesex), Haering (Harrow), Hemstede (Hampstead), Giseldone (Islington), Waecelinga Straet (Watling Street), Hoch (), Tota (Tottehnam), Cingefort (Chingford), Lukintone (Loughton), Wilcumestowe (Walthamstowe), Wudeford (Woodford), Essex, Haueringas (Havering), Romfort (Romford), Waenstede (Wanstead), Hroda (River), Ilefort (Ilford), Berecingum (Barking), Stybbanhype (Stanhope), Aetheredeshyth (Queenhithe Rotherhithe), Bixle (), Eastern Dic (), Fot (), Cyselhurst (Chiselhurst), Bromleag (Bromley), Biohhahemamearc (Beckenham under Bromley), Cloppenham (Clapham), Wendleswurth (Wandsworth), Putelei (Putney), Shene (Sheen), Tuiccanham (Twickenham), Todyngton (Toddington), Kyningestun (Kingston), Cregganford (Crayford), Modingahema (Mottingham), Liofshema Mearc (Lewisham), Hacheham (Hatcham), Orpedingetune (Orpington)

Anglo-Saxon Old Maps: Stanmere (Stanmore), Aegceswer (Edgware), Middleseaxan (Middlesex), Haering (Harrow), Hemstede (Hampstead), Giseldone (Islington), Waecelinga Straet (Watling Street), Hoch (), Tota (Tottehnam), Cingefort (Chingford), Lukintone (Loughton), Wilcumestowe (Walthamstowe), Wudeford (Woodford), Essex, Haueringas (Havering), Romfort (Romford), Waenstede (Wanstead), Hroda (River), Ilefort (Ilford), Berecingum (Barking), Stybbanhype (Stanhope), Aetheredeshyth (Queenhithe Rotherhithe), Bixle (), Eastern Dic (), Fot (), Cyselhurst (Chiselhurst), Bromleag (Bromley), Biohhahemamearc (Beckenham under Bromley), Cloppenham (Clapham), Wendleswurth (Wandsworth), Putelei (Putney), Shene (Sheen), Tuiccanham (Twickenham), Todyngton (Toddington), Kyningestun (Kingston), Cregganford (Crayford), Modingahema (Mottingham), Liofshema Mearc (Lewisham), Hacheham (Hatcham), Orpedingetune (Orpington)