Use the ARCHI Place-Name Finder Search Form below to generate a location map of all places in Britain which have *pont* in their name.
The search form takes wildcards for more powerful searches which are detailed below. Try them and see what you come up with.
Here you search for exact matches of a place-name.
Performing a search with the word "bury" would find all place-names of that name only containing the word "bury", but not Oldbury etc.
Here you search for matches of a place-name plus place-names starting with that word.
For example, Performing an element search with "stow*", would find, in addition to all "stow" place-names, other place-names starting with the word "stow", such as Stowmarket, but NOT not Walthamstow.
Here one searches for all place-names ending with the element.
Performing an element search with "stow*", would find, in addition to all "stow" place-names, other names containing the word "stow" at the end of the name such as Walthamstow, but NOT not Stowmarket.
Here one searches for all place-names where the search term is in the middle of the place's name.
Performing an element search with "*bur*", would find, in addition to finding all place-names of the name "burg", other names containing the element such as Edinburgh.
Using this method one can search for place-names which include or exclude certain elements or place-names.
Performing an element search with "*burgh*" in the Search Element 1 Box 1 and something like "little" in Search Element Box 2.
Here one would enter the character or characters which are at the beginning of a place-name together with a character or characters which are at the end of the place-name.
[This search not yet implemented]
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