UFO SEARCH UFO Reports UFO / Sightings in / around Deeside, Clwyd, Wales, Deeside, CH5 2QD, UK Deeside, Clwyd
UFO Sightings in or near Deeside, Clwyd, Wales, Deeside, CH5 2QD, UK (0 sightings in this area from our database of nearly 10,000 UK UFO sightings reported to the British Minstry of Defence)

THIS IS THE RESULTS WRAPPER at (Thu Apr 25 23:42:28 2024): is_subscriber => :1: USERSEARCHLOCATION => Deeside, Clwyd, Wales, Deeside, CH5 2QD, UK SEARCH_LOCATION => Deeside, Clwyd, Wales, Deeside, CH5 2QD, UK SEARCH_LATITUDE => 53.201349 SEARCH_LONGITUDE => -2.998330 postcode_area_placename => Deeside postcode_district_coverage => postcode_district_authority => Flintshire postcode_area_county => Clwyd postcode_area_country => Wales