PayPal Payment Accepted

Thank you for your PayPal payment. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you.

Now Please Set Your ARCHI UK password

To set up your password please fill in the boxes below and click the 'Set Password' button at the bottom of this page

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: Please only use letters or numbers in your password, please do not use Non-alphanumeric characters such as &, # because the ARCHI system does not accept them.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Please set a password which unlikely to be guessed by others. For example, please don't use the names of historical periods such as 'Roman' etc or the name of survey equipment, for example, 'minelab', equinox etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE 3: Please use the email address associated with the PayPal account you just made your payment from, as this is used as your unique subscriber reference for your ARCHI subscription. However, you can add additional contact email addresses to the form, but just separate them with a comma.

How did you find the ARCHI UK website?
Instagram   Magazine   Friend   Facebook   Google 

What is your main area of interest?
Archaeology  Old Maps  Schools Education  Walking and Hiking  Metal Detecting  Local History 

Logging into the ARCHI System

There is no formal login procedure with the ARCHI service. Instead, once you have set your password, just enter it into the 'password' field on the various ARCHI Search forms on the ARCHI website.

This is to make is easier to comply with future data protection legislation. This actually makes things quicker and easier for you and helps to protect your rights to privacy on the internet.

Auto Re-Subscription

Subscriptions to the ARCHI UK and ARCHI Worldwide databases are renewed automatically. Most ARCHI subscribers prefer this than to find their subscription has expired when they are out in the field and need to use the service.

However, you can simply cancel any future re-subscription payments via your PayPal acount anytime before the next subscription period.

Fair Use Policy

We run a fair use policy and ask you to not share passwords please. 'Fair Use' of the ARCHI system is 300 searches per individual subscription from a maximum of 15 different IP addresses, per year. These figures are based on tripling the historically average number of annual searches per user (100) from an average of five different IP addresses per user.

The ARCHI System is able to detect potential abuse and scraping attempts. We reserve the right to block access to the ARCHI databases if potential abuse is identified.

However, it is recognised that some users will go over the Fair Use Quota and we can accomodate for this. We want you to use the service but at the same time we must guard against misuse. Thanks for your understanding!

© ARCHI Information Systems Ltd 2020